Generally favorable reviews from critics! This game is very darn good!


Developer(s): Tomasz Ostafin

Composer(s): Floex (TomΓ‘Ε‘ DvoΕ™Γ‘k)

Engine: Unity

Platform(s): Windows, macOS, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS5

Release Date: May 7,, 2021

Genre(s): Puzzle-adventure

Mode(s): Single-player

Papetura is a short yet captivating adventure game developed by Tomasz Ostafin. The game stands out for its unique paper-crafted world and enchanting music. It was released on Steam on May 7th, 2021.

Check out the official launch trailer for Papetura!


Papetura is an adventure game in which you play as Pape, a character who manages to break out of a flower jail and teams up with Tura, a mystical being, in a world constructed entirely of paper. The duo must confront a series of adversaries who aim to destroy their paper universe.

Check out a playthrough/walkthrough video (no commentary) for Papetura!


Papetura, despite not prioritizing its plot, manages to convey an engaging storyline without any spoken words. According to an interview with Ostafin by Game Rant, the reason behind this decision was to create a narrative that could be understood universally without language barriers. Ostafin acknowledged that he is not a skilled writer, and including dialogue in the game might lead to misinterpretations, ultimately obstructing the intended message for players.

How long is Papetura?

When it comes to the primary goals, Papetura typically takes around an hour and a half to complete. However, if you’re a dedicated gamer who wants to explore every aspect of the game, it may take you approximately 2 hours to achieve 100% completion.


Papetura received positive reviews from critics and players. The game has a 9/10 on Steam and an 83 on Metacritic.