Generally favorable reviews from critics! This game is very darn good!

FAR: Lone Sails

Developer(s): Okomotive

Composer(s): Joel Schoch

Engine: Unity

Platform(s): Windows, macOS, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Android, iOS

Release Date: May 17, 2018

Genre(s): Adventure

Mode(s): Single-player

FAR: Lone Sails was developed by Okomotive, a Swiss company specializing in game development. The game was first released on Windows and macOS on May 17th, 2018, with versions for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 following in April 2019, and a Nintendo Switch version arriving on August 18th, 2019. A sequel to the game, called Far: Changing Tides, was released in March 2022.

Check out the official gameplay trailer for FAR: Lone Sails


FAR: Lone Sails is a game where players control a driver navigating a post-apocalyptic world in a modified vehicle. The game is viewed from a side-scrolling perspective, with the vehicle interior shown as a cross-section. To keep the vehicle moving, players must operate various stations and buttons within the vehicle, such as the engine and boiler, which require fuel sources found during the journey. The vehicle can sustain damage, and players must stop to repair and extinguish fires. Puzzles must also be solved to progress and upgrade the vehicle. There are no enemies, but players can die due to environmental hazards and will restart at the last checkpoint.

Check out a playthrough/walkthrough video (no commentary) for FAR: Lone Sails!


FAR: Lone Sails does not have a set plot for players to unravel.

How long is FAR: Lone Sails?

When it comes to the primary goals, FAR: Lone Sails typically takes about 3 hours to complete. However, if you’re the type of gamer who likes to explore every aspect of the game, it may take you around 6 hours to achieve a 100% completion rate.


FAR: Lone Sails received critical acclaim upon its release. The game was praised for its visual design and music. In 2017, the game was a finalist in the Best Student Game category at the Independent Games Festival. The game was also recognized at the 2018 Golden Joystick Awards as a nominee for “Best Visual Design”. Additionally, it was nominated in the “Game, Puzzle” category at the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers Awards.